Trauma-Informed Teaching
Trauma-Informed Teaching
Because kids with Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES)
deserve a trauma-sensitive agency.
Trauma informed teaching is about addressing students and caregivers with trauma in mind. We know that trauma negatively impacts the brain, especially while the brain is still developing. If we look at families through a trauma-informed lens, we can better meet the needs of our families by focusing on building protective factors. Protective factors like emotional intelligence and financial stability help reduce the impact of trauma on the brain.
Upon enrollment, parents or guardians will receive an ACES questionnaire, which determines the amount of trauma an individual has experienced throughout their lives. This score is used to guide our family support team in assuring the family receives the correct services and resources.
The ACES Case Manager will administer and score the ACES questionnaire and provide Case Management Services. Depending on the score of the ACES this may qualify a child to be a part of our trauma-informed teaching program. In this unique program children will receive additional monitoring assessment and support from a trauma specialist, also known as our ACES Teacher.